Monday, April 21, 2014

Chapter 1 and 2: Questions

1. Ponyboy is part of the social group called the Greasers. It is the name used to class all the boys on the East side. They are a lot poorer than the Socs. Ponyboy is like the other boys because he dresses the same way and has the same hairstyle. Also, they all have the same hatred for the Socs which really helps to make them all close friends. I also think that Ponyboy is different from the others because he has different interests. I think that Ponyboy would seem like the person that would try to avoid hurting someone if he can.

2. . His parents died in a car crash so his only family members left are his 2 brothers; Sodapop and Darry. Darry is the eldest and is very overprotective about Ponyboy. Darry is six foot two, broad shouldered and muscular. He has dark brown hair and blue-green eyes. He is very tough on Ponyboy and acts like a father. Sodapop however is different, he understands Ponyboy. Sodapop is movie star kind of handsome. He has a finely drawn sensitive face with dark gold hair that is combed back. He is very nice, caring and treats Ponyboy normally. Soda is always happy and grinning while Darry is more hard, tough and rarely smiling. Soda stands up for Ponyboy. So Ponyboy's relationship with his brothers is good but sometimes he just doesn't like Darry.

                            Darry                             Ponyboy                     Sodapop

3. The other members of Ponyboy's social group include: Two bit, Steve, Dallas and Johnny. 
Johnny is the youngest after Ponyboy. He is very timid and shy. In the book he is described as a lost puppy that has been kicked around too many times. Johnny was always abused by his dad. He had a slight build but he is smaller than the rest. He has a tanned face with big black eyes and jet black hair that is heavily greased and combed to the side. His eyes should nervousness and suspicion which probably came from all the beatings.

Two Bit is the eldest of the gang and the wisest of the group. He is six feet tall, stocky in build with rusty coloured side burns. He has gray eyes and a wide grin. He constantly makes funny remarks because life is one big joke to Two bit. He is famous for shoplifting and is always smarting off to the cops. 

Dallas is the real character of the gang according to Ponyboy. He has an elfish face, high cheekbones, a pointed chin, small sharp teeth and ears like a lynx. He has hair that is really blondethat falls over his forehead and curls behind his ears. His eyes were blue like blazing ice, cold and with a hatred for the world in them. Dally was tougher, colder and meaner than the rest of the Greasers. 

Steve is tall and lean with thick greasy hair that is combed in curls. He is cocky, smart and Sodas best friend since grade school. Steve and Soda work at the same gas station. Steve is really good with cars which is the main reasons why the gas station is so successful.

4. I think when Cherry said "things are rough all over" she meant that everyone has it rough and not just the Greasers because of their problems with the Socs. She meant that everyone has their own problems even the rich kids no matter what situation you're in. 

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